Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting Ready For Finals

The wonderful time of year has again joined us, Finals week will soon be upon us and the caffeine budget will be exceeded. This is the time when all college students, like myself, spend all day writing papers and finishing projects and all night studying for the next big final exam. They always try to associate school with your future professional life, but I have yet to be put into a situation within my career that allows for me to stress out for the next two weeks and to work unpaid late into the night for an assignment that I will not remember the answers for in a week. I do not see the point, but I suppose that there has to be a measuring point for grading purposes, but does it always have to come at the end of the semester. The end should be for celebration of getting out of school for a few weeks before having to do it all over again. This painting that I found online sums it up nicely.

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